Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tips to Grow Long Luscious Hair

Pakistani women love long thick luscious hair since every traditional hairstyle and up-do encourages it. My fondest memories of the time I was growing up were the moments I watched my mom comb and wrap her long hair in a long thick braid.
Long and healthy hair has always been considered a sign of beauty – the key word beinghealthy! It takes time, patience and maintenance to grow your hair long. Leaving out any of these three will cause nasty split-ends and hair fall. With some helpful tips, you can grow your hair and prevent it from falling excessively.

Hair Style

Consider you haircut as the first step towards long beautiful hair. If you choose to start growing your hair while it is in layers, it will look a bit uneven with monthly hair trims. Depending on you hair type, having a few steps in your hair can make it look sleek and sophisticated. For straight or wavy hair, go for one or two steps. Ladies with curly hair should consider adding more steps so that their hair is more voluminous towards the scalp.

Trim Your Ends

As your hair starts growing, you might notice some changes in its thickness and texture. Since long length can cause your hair to look thinner, it is important to trim your hair often to promote healthy hair growth. Keeping your hair healthy and free from brittle ends requires trimming every 4-6 weeks. With regular trimming, you can prevent dead ends from damaging the length of you hair.
If you want to save the time and money spent at the salon, you can trim you hair at home every month . Trim off 1/4th of an inch of hair from the ends. A monthly trim will make you notice the difference immediately, with your hair tangling lesser and feeling much stronger than before.

How You Comb

Combing your hair with a wide-toothed comb will prevent tangles from pulling out your hair from the roots, especially when it is wet or damp. Avoid brushing your hair when it is wet since dampness causes the hair follicle to become sensitive, with increased breakages when hair is brushed rigorously. The proper method of combing your hair is to start at the ends and brush up. To prevent hair from falling excessively, particularly due to the appearance of knots and kinks, you should keep brushing it throughout the day.


Split-ends are your worst enemy when growing your hair out. They cause hair-ends to become dry and brittle. For this reason, trimming the ends and hydrating them go hand-in-hand. It is important to use nourishing shampoos and conditioners, which contain ingredients such as yoghurt and oil to promote silky smooth ends. If you notice your scalp becoming too oily with the use of a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, simply use these products on the ends of the hair while using a different shampoo for the scalp. A weekly hair treatment with hot oils such as olive oil or coconut oil are recommended for deep conditioning.

Heat Protection

We rarely consider protecting our hair against sun damage, although heat and sweat can make our hair brittle, causing it to develop more split-ends. Use a serum that will help nourish your hair or choose a hot oil treatment to deep-condition your hair.

A Healthy Diet

Eating healthy and nutritious foods is always recommended for healthy hair. Foods enriched with vitamins, iron, zinc and minerals are extremely beneficial for hair, and include items like fish, raw green vegetables, fruits and dairy products. While it is always important to eat healthy, taking vitamin supplements such as Hi-Cal and Centrum A to Zinc are alternatives to promote healthy hair growth. 

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