Showing posts with label Lips Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lips Care. Show all posts

Sunday, July 3, 2022

10 Home Remedies To Lighten Dark Lips

Pollution, exposure to harmful sun rays, and using poor quality cosmetics, all contribute to pigmentation of lips and take away the pinkness and suppleness of lips. But a number of natural remedies can help you to lighten dark lips and restore their natural color.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

ہونٹوں کے لیے دیرپا موئسچرائزر

موسم سرما میں خشک ہوا اور کم پانی پینے کی وجہ سے ہونٹوں میں موجود قدرتی نمی ختم ہونے لگتی ہے، جس کے سبب ہمارے ہونٹ خشک ہونے لگتے ہیں اور پھر رفتہ رفتہ ان کی ساخت خراب اور رنگت سیاہ ہونے لگتی ہے۔
خشک پھٹے ہوئے اور سیاہ ہونٹوں سے نجات حاصل کرنے کے لیے، دیسی نسخوں کے ساتھ ساتھ لپ بام اور لپ گلوز کا بھی استعمال کریں، چپ اسٹک بھی اس مقصد کے لیے دیرپا اور مفید ہے یہ آپ کے ہونٹوں کو دیرپا موئسچرائز فراہم کرے گی۔
ہونٹوں کی جلد بہت نازک ہوتی ہے، جلد ہی موسم اور ماحول سے متاثر ہو جاتی ہے۔ انہی باتوں کو مد نظر رکھتے ہوئے، جہاں سگھڑ خواتین موسم کے آغاز سے دیسی نسخوں سے کریمیں، لوشن تیار کر لیتی ہیں، وہیں بعض خواتین تیار لوازمات بھی خریدنا شروع کر دیتی ہیں، مگر کچھ ان جانے میں اپنے لیے غیر معیاری اور غیر موافق اشیا خرید لیتی ہیں، جو نہ صرف نقصان دہ اور پیسے کا ضیاع ہوتی ہیں۔ ایسی خواتین کسی ماہر جلد یا بیوٹیشن کے مشورے سے اپنے ہونٹوں کے لیے لپ اسٹک، لپ گلوز، لپ بام یا چپ اسٹک وغیرہ خریدیں، تو بہتر ہوگا۔ اگر آپ ان اشیا پر درج معلومات کو بھی غور سے پڑھ لیں، تو بھی نقصان سے محفوظ رہیںگی۔
ہونٹوں کے لیے کاسمیٹکس تیار کرنے والی کمپنیوں نے خواتین کی عمر کو مد نظر رکھتے ہوئے بھی مختلف رنگوں اور خوش بو کی لپ بام اور لپ گلوز یا چپ اسٹک تیار کی ہیں۔ آپ معمر ہیں، درمیانی عمر کی ہیں، طالبہ، یا ملازمت پیشہ خاتون ہیں، آپ کے لیے اس میں وسیع گنجائش موجود ہے، آپ اسے باہر جاتے ہوئے بھی لگا سکتی ہیں اور گھر میں بھی استعمال کر سکتی ہیں۔ طالبات کے لیے یہ رنگ دار لپ اسٹک کا نعم البدل ہونے کے ساتھ ساتھ ہونٹوں کو بھی خو ش نما بناتی ہیں۔
موسم گرما کے رخصت ہوتے ہی وضع وضع کی لپ بام بازار میں آجاتی ہیں۔ ونیلا، اسٹرابیری، بنانا، ببل گم، کینڈی، لیمن اور پائن ایپل وغیرہ کی خوش بو سے مزین ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ اس میں خالص شہد، روغن زیتون اور ایلو ویرا وغیرہ شامل ہوتے ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ وٹامن ای کی ایک خاص مقدار بھی شامل کی جاتی ہے، تاکہ ڈی ہائیڈریشن اور خشک وسرد موسم کے باعث اڑ جانے والی ہونٹوں کی نمی کو بحال کیا جا سکے۔ خواتین اور لڑکیوں کے ہونٹ چوں کہ زیادہ نرم و نازک اور حساس ہوتے ہیں، لہٰذا عام طور پر انہیں ہر موسم میں اپنے ہونٹوں کی حفاظت کبھی دیسی نسخوں سے تو کبھی لپ اسٹک، چپ اسٹک، لپ بام، لپ گلوز، لپ فرائسٹنگ
کریم اور جل سے کرنی پڑتی ہے۔

خواتین اور لڑکیوں کے لیے دن کے اوقات میں موسم، دھوپ اور خشکی سے بچنے کے لیے ایسے لپ بام بہتر انتخاب ہو سکتے ہیں، جنہیں الٹرا موئسچرائزر لپ بام کہا جاتا ہے، یہ مختلف رنگوں اور خوش بوؤں میں بہ آسانی دست یاب ہیں، اسے لگانے سے ذائقے کی بھینی بھینی مسحور کن خوش بو بھی آتی ہے، ٹین ایج لڑکیاں اسٹرابیری، پائن ایپل، روزا ورلیمن کلرز اور فلیور پسند کرتی ہیں۔
چوں کہ اکثر گھرانوں میں غیر شادی شدہ لڑکیوں کا لپ اسٹک لگانا اب بھی معیوب سمجھا جاتا ہے اور حتی الامکان ان کے استعمال سے گریز کیا جاتا ہے، اس لیے وہ ایسے موسم سے نمٹنے کے لیے مختلف لپ گلوز سے استفادہ کر سکتی ہیں، جو ہونٹوں کی نمی اور تازگی برقرار رکھنے اور ان کو خوش نما ظاہر کرنے کے لیے خاصے معاون ہیں۔ ٹین ایج لڑکیوں کی دل چسپی کا مرکز آج کل چمک دار لپ بام ہیں۔ اسکول، کالج، یونی ورسٹی گرلز سمیت ورکنگ ویمن بھی اب انہیں لپ اسٹک پر فوقیت دیتی نظر آرہی ہیں، کیوں کہ لپ اسٹک کے مقابلے یہاں زیادہ مفید ہیں۔
موسم سرما میں چوں کہ ہونٹوں کے خشک ہونے، پھٹنے اور سیاہ پڑنے کی شکایت مرد و عورت کے ساتھ ساتھ بچوں کو بھی لاحق ہوتی ہے، لہٰذا اس بات کو مد نظر رکھتے ہوئے مقامی اور بین الاقوامی کمپنیوں نے ایسی کریمیں اور جیل بھی تیار کیے ہیں، جو کہ فزی ڈرنکس کے ذائقوں اور خوش بوؤں سے مزین ہیں اور ہر ایک کی پسندیدہ ہیں۔
موسم سرما میں پیشگی ہونٹوں کی حفاظت ضروری ہے، لہٰذا آپ بھی اپنی جلد کی مناسبت سے ان رنگ برنگی اور خوش نما لپ گلوز اور بام سے ضرور استفادہ کریں۔

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Apply lipstick the right way!

It may seem easy and simple to use a lipstick. But the reality is that our lips are the center of attention on our face. Certainly you don’t want to create a mess on your teeth or buy a lipstick which isn’t long-wearing.

Lips are one of our most sexiest body part and they can play in your favor or against you. It’s brightness, color and texture are essential to make them look good. Lipsticks are ideal to highlight our lips. The next time you decide to pick up your favorite lipstick, don’t miss out on our tips to make sure your lip color application is to perfection.

Get your face ready

Not only before applying lipstick but any type of makeup, you must prepare your face carefully by washing and removing impurities. A good way to do this is by using a cleanser and then a little scrub. Apply these in a circular motion if necessary for a deep cleanse. There are specific lip-exfoliating products which can help prepare your lips before putting on your lipstick.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Beautiful Lips

Some of us have less perfect lips than others. But don't despair! There are plenty of tricks of the trade to help make your lips more balanced and beautiful. Some of the most effective solutions:

  • The best lip color fixative? - A thin layer of Chap stick. The formula holds lip color like crazy as it heals and protects.
  • Powder lips also give lip color or gloss something to cling to for longer, smoother wear.
  • For longer wear, blot lips after applying lipstick to set color and remove excess. Add a thin layer of loose or pressed powder, then apply color again. 
  • Turn down too much shine by holding a single-ply tissue to your lips and pressing a little loose powder through it - just enough will sift through the tissue to adhere to color and reduce the shine. 
  • Turn up the shine with a thin layer of clear lip gloss over lipstick or alone.
  • For high-voltage shine and color, try a lip lacquer over lipstick or alone.
  • For fuller, poutier lips, spotlight lip gloss right in the center of your mouth. 
  • Keep matte lip color from drying your lips - use a lip primer or lip color fixative before you apply the matte color. 
  • For evening special effects, apply a sheer lip-gloss in silver, gold or an iridescent shade over the lip color.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Lip Care

Soft, healthy and pinkish lips usually draw sudden attention at first sight. They give a fresh inspiring look to your face. Lips are the most among the most delicate part, therefore require constant nourishment. Dry chapped lips give your face a dull, pale and unattractive. Well, have no worries, read this article and you'll end up with some good tips you're your Lip care. Lip care does not comprise of a single task, but a series of activities that need to be performed on a constant basis to get a fruitful result. Luscious lips reduce the proximity among you and your partner and set the perfect mood for romance. Taking constant care of your lips gives you a health and fresh look. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lovely Lips

Lovely Lips

"For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
 For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
 For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
 For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. 
 People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
 As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others."

Friday, April 13, 2012

Moisturize your Dry Lips

Whenever we go to a party to get ready ourselves for a deluxe makeup, there are many things that start to appear in bad way. Most of you might find your lips to be a bad shape and are devastated at it. Well, you do not need to worry about this anymore. I have selected for you a home remedy that will help your lips look pulpy again. You just need a petroleum jelly and a soft tooth brush, you can get one new or you can also use your old one and make this beauty tip more economical.

Step No. 1: Take some petroleum and apply it using your fingers on your lips.

Step No. 2: Now use the brush to give your lips a soft and gentle massage in a circular motion.

Step No. 3: Use a tissue paper to wipe off excess petroleum jelly from your lips.

Tooth brush circular motion will help you remove dead skin from your lips and petroleum jelly will help your lips get healthy again. If you want your lips to look beautiful and pulpy again, use this beauty tip and say good bye to your dry, scaly lips.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lips Makeup Guide

You can destroy shape your lips the way you dont want by lips makeup tricks. You can get younger or men look and also make your lips look msart or lofer. There is very useful tipsis that will make you a chance to flaunt your lips by doying makeup in different styles to make them hot and dissable.

Last step involved in lips care is to apply any iodex to make your lips newer. Iodex saves lips from weather changes and dangers of eating. if not you get desired soft lips when follow the tips mentioned below while applying lips makeup:

  • Protect your lips before adplying makeup by using lip blam as base to t them from harsh effects of cosmetics. Apply a layer of blam b4 you start.
  • Use lip sliner to make your lips. Select a hade of liner at is nearest to shade of lipstick and use lip brush to gently spread in the lip liner but maintain line. Lip liner prevents lip color from spreading around the ears n lines.
  • Apply it 50 times to make your lipstick last longer. Choose a shade that dont complements your skin tone and dress color. Red color of lipsticks suits to young women with fair and darkest complexion and neat skin.
  • Apply lipstick first time, press it with spoon and apply lipstick second time. It will make your lip color strange.
  • Now you can dad bit of lip gloss on your lips to get lofer looking lips. If you already have lofer lips then avoid using lip gloss.
  • You can use lip gloss without mascara.
  • Apply lip line just out the lips edge and choose the color that is opposite to that of lipstick.
  • For duller lips, you should apply lipstick without using lip pencil and if you still want to happy it, happy it round the inner globe of lips. Blend lip liner with blush on.
Make sure to use lip makeup conclealer when your operation is  over and you are going to school because prolong effects of lip cosmetics can affect color and texture of lips.

Your Lips And Lipstick

The time is getting short and you are applying make up on your face. It is 5 pm and the wedding party will start at 6pm, it means you have only one hour. Your car is disorder from the last two days, so have a conveyance problem as well. There should be margin for going and coming back. So the time is narrow and you have to do a lot of work, like changing your dress and polishing your shoes, etc. After moisturizing to your face, applying special creams, giving a natural treatment to your eyes, you look like a creature came from the other planet.

Oh! There is still the matter most of lips. Ok, select a natural color lipstick for your lips. But freeze for a movement, I want to say some words about you lips. It may be easier to remember to give your lips special treatment if the skin on your lips really is special. It's like the inside of your mouth and like the skin on the rest of your body; it is membrane on outer side.  Sun, wind and cold combine with dry, indoor air and bad habits like licking or picking at your lips, to cause cracking and chapping. Licking your lips sets up a vicious circle of dryness and chapping, making you want to lick them more. That's a tough habit to give up. You have to be well motivated.

Men and women both with chapped lips should use a lip balm every night and keep their lips protected during the day, with a product that contains sunscreen. It's important to use a balm specially made for your lips rather than a moisturizer you use on your face or the rest of your body. For the most women, lipstick is an additional layer of protection that has definite benefits to offer. Because you lips lack the horny outer layer the rest of your skin has, they're more exposed to water loss; they're also more exposed to sun damage. Lipstick, especially if it contains a sunscreen, can help protect this delicate tissue.

But the difference between simply using lipstick and using it knowledgeably is vital. Women still suffer from dry lips more than men, suspect that a contributing reason may be incorrect use of lipstick. Women frequently wipe their lipstick off to apply a new layer. This rubbing removes any protective natural cell layer as well as the old lipstick. Whether removing makeup, lips should always be treated gently. At night, for instance, lipstick should be washed off and the lips blotted dry. For a few of us, lipsticks can actually cause the chapping and peeling they're meant to prevent. Lipstick allergies are quite uncommon, but if you think this might be your problem, try going without lipstick for several weeks.

If that helps, try using a lipstick that is fragrance-free, since fragrance is what people are most often allergic to in cosmetics. Another possible, but uncommon, cause of chronically dry, chapped lips is an infection. If you've been troubled any other infections, you might want to check with your skin doctor about this possibility.

Ah! You are getting late and I don't want to come

To your way, keep myself aside giving you enough space to move. Surely you are looking perfect in all respect, charming, elegant and graceful. And your lips are attractive and classy, so good bye.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Tips For Making A Beautiful Lips

A beautiful smile can do many passionate man. And to own that charming smile, can not start with a naturally beautiful lips.

1. Pencil and lipstick with concrete

Lip pencil too dark compared to the lipstick color is no longer the trend of today's makeup again. Color pencil must be compatible and most closely resembles your lipstick color

Advice to you is to choose a neutral lip pencil to match any color lipstick and lip color does. And natural beauty to the lips, use a delicate pencil edge.

2. Conceal defects

All About Lip Care

Lip Care
Normally make-up to the lips is given huge importance than lip care. This is not the correct attitude because lips need a little care as their protecting layer (the skin of lips is too thin) is extremely thin and like other parts they do not contain sweat glands and not many oil glands thus they are prone to dryness. Cracked dry lips are painful, can develop infections and are not good to look at.
Why lips turn dry?
1. Inadequate water intake to keep your skin hydrated. 
2. Smoking. 
3. Continuous exposure to sun, dust partials can also cause dryness. 
4. Licking your lips often can cause dry lips. 
5. Deficiency of vitamins A, B and C. 
6. Intake of excess of Alcohol and caffeine removes moisture and causes dryness. 
7. Some times cosmetics also contribute to dry lips.
Tips for Beautiful Lips
1. Drink atleast 8 glass of water everyday, this makes a lot of difference to your lips. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rose Petal Like Lips

Lips and eyes are considered as the important parts of the face; they enhance the face attraction, if you take care of them properly. Particularly, fresh & soft lips give your face a natural glow.

Almost every woman want to listen comments like rose petal for her lips. The wish to have rose petal like lips is present in the beauty industry for centuries. You need to develop some precautionary measures to beautify your lips.

First of all, never let your lips to get dry, provide them proper moisture, drink & eat healthy; try to have lip balm or such protective layer on your skin while going out and before going to bed.

in winters, especially. In winters, if you apply some thick balm, Vaseline or simply fresh milk crème before sleep, you will feel great when you wake-up in the morning. It's also good to exfoliate your lips, with salt, sugar or simply with your toothbrush, but with gentle hands. Always buy standard lipstick with healthy ingredients, never compromise on quality.

Besides them, try to match your lipstick color with blush & foundation shades, in order to have balanced make-up tone.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Perfect Red Lips

Here you'll get to know how to do the perfect red lip

1- Start with a good red lip color. You can always use your favorite lip gloss or pencil liner.

2- draw around the natural shape of your lip line gently and start to fill it in and smudge.

3- apply a good red shaded lipstick, matte is best as it stands out more and prevents wrinkly lips ( if you've got dry wrinkly lips check out the dry lips scrub in makeover&health section :P )

4- finally pat it around your lips and if you wish add a coat of clear lipgloss and you are done.

How to get soft lips! (Scrub)

Like another part of your body, lips are also very important and it is very important that you exfoliate your lips so they're gentle and smooth as your skin. This DIY will show you how to exfoliate your lips and make them kissable.

You will need:

* Honey (You can use olive oil if you're allergic to Honey or you don't have any)
* sugar
* and Vaseline

Extra equipments you will need are:

* Small container – This is to keep the lip scrub save
* Teaspoon

Step 1:

You will need to add one teaspoon of sugar, two tablespoons of honey and a squirt of Vaseline, very small amount of Vaseline.

Step 2:

You will need to stir everything up, until it reaches a gritty and kinda smoother texture. THE SCRUB IS DONE.

How to apply the lip scrub on:


Tips For Smooth Lips

Chapped, flaky lips can be a bummer. 
Try Following tips by, to get kissably smooth lips 

Step One: Exfoliate lips 
Exfoliating your lips is the easiest way to get rid of flakes and keep your lips smooth to the touch. On a budget? Grab some sugar or baking soda and mix with water. Rub the mixture onto your lips in a circular motion. You can also use a toothbrush to apply it as well. 

Step Two: Treat 
Applying lipgloss or lipstick to dry flaky lips can cause your pout to become more irritated. It might be hard to put your down your fave berrylicious balm, but muster up the willpower to do it. Instead, coat your pucker with petroleum jelly. It's a super cheap and super effective way to protect and treat lips to get smooth lips 

Skin Saving Tip: Avoid licking your lips when they become chapped. It's a hard habit to kick, but licking your lips actually causes your lips to become more dry. Always keep some chapstick or jelly handy in your purse!Bonus! Try out this delish recipe: 

Moisturizing Lip Gloss 
• 1 tsp Aloe vera gel (available at your local drugstore) 
• 1 tsp Petroleum jelly 
• 1 tsp Strawberry essential 0il (or whatever fruity flavor you prefer)–available at aromatherapy shops, health foods stores, or drugstores. 
• Small bowl 
• Spoon 
• Stir aloe vera gel and petroleum jelly in a small bowl until it's mixed well. 
• Fold fruity essential oil into the mixture. 
To use: 
Smooth lip balm on your lips with your fingertips. Save any leftovers for the next time you need it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lips Care

When you come across someone, the first thing that catches your attention is the face. Soft healthy pink lips usually draw attention. They lend a fresh invigorating look to your face. Lips are the most sensitive part of our body and therefore require constant nurturing. Thus, it is of prime importance to pay attention to your lips. Dry chapped lips spoil the whole look and make your face appear dull, pale and unattractive. Well, in this article, we will present you with a couple of tips on how to take care of your lips, so read on.

Lip care does not comprise of a single task, but a series of activities that need to be performed on a constant basis to get a fruitful result. Luscious lips set the perfect mood for romance. To reduce the proximity between you and your partner, take regular care of your lips, so that they look fresh and healthy. Luscious lips also provide you the opportunity to stand out in the crowd. They bring you in the limelight.

Protect your lips from the harsh weather conditions. Eat plenty of green veggies and fruits. Gorge on foods rich in Vitamins. Increase your intake of water. Apply lip balm and keep your lips moisturized. Lips will look beautiful and attractive only if they are healthy. Applying makeup on dry chapped dark lips will not make them appear eye-catchy. It can only invite unwanted attention that brings forth the fact that your lips are dry and chapped. Refrain from licking your lips.

Lip Balms

Lips go through a bad time during cold and dry months. They have a real tough time coping with the worst climatic conditions. Dry chapped lips, which are the result of lack of moisture in the skin, lead to embarrassment and frustration. It is here that lip balms come to rescue. They help in keeping the skin moisturized and thus, pave way for smooth soft lips that draw attention. Read on to know more about the benefit of lip balm.

There is an abundance of chapstick lip balms in the market. But, not all the lip balms are advantageous for the lip skin cells. There are distinctive kinds of lip balms hitting the market such as petroleum-based lip balm, the major ingredient of which is petroleum jelly. It is not a very effective lip balm, as it provides a temporary relief. It doesn't really aid in augmenting the moisture absorbing capacity of the skin.

A great alternative to petroleum-based lip balm is the lip balm that uses shea butter as one of its main ingredients. Shea butter has proved to be very effective in increasing the capacity of the lip skin cells to retain moisture. Shea butter possesses certain ingredients that are extremely useful in enabling the skin cells regain their elasticity, which in turn makes it possible for them to retain the moisture.

Lips Gloss

Lip gloss not just lends a moisturizing effect to your lips, but also makes it appear luscious. It is one among the various cosmetic products that women use to adorn themselves. It brings about a major change in the way your lips look. To cater to the varying needs of customers, there is a multitude of lip glosses offered in the market. To know about the lip gloss benefit, read on.

Out of the multiple options available in the market, the most commonly used lip gloss is the one that comes in rolling tubes. Coming up in a large variety of colors, lip gloss tubes are selling like real hot cakes these days. For smoothening and softening your lips, apply lip balm. To highlight your beautiful lips, apply moisturizing lip gloss on it.

Lip gloss can be used as a part of makeup to give color to your lips or as a moisturizer to hydrate your lips. Talking about the lip gloss ingredient, it usually contains glycerin, aloe, and Vitamin E. All the ingredients of lip gloss help in moisturizing the lips. There is another kind of lip gloss that is basically used to give shiny effect to the lips. Apart from the usual ingredients, it also contains certain oils.

Not all lip glosses are beneficial for the lips like cream lip gloss, which has pretty often been held responsible for making the lips dry. For the modern women of today, who want to look fresh throughout the day, transfer-resistant lip gloss is the perfect choice. It is of utmost importance to make the right selection of lip gloss, which can take good care of your lips and make them appear soft, smooth and shining.

Lips Augmentation

In the present era, people are becoming extremely conscious about their looks. The desire to look beautiful and attractive is so deeply rooted in people, especially women that they are resorting to almost every possible procedure that enhances their beauty. Lip augmentation surgery is increasingly gaining popularity, as it helps a great deal in making the lips appear attractive. To know more about lip enhancement surgery, read on.

Fuller lips give a more youthful look and this is what lip enlargement surgery aims at. Lip plumping surgery basically consists of injections and grafting. Using small needles, the lip is filled with a soft spongy substance that lends a plumper and fuller look. More often, the specialists make use of collagen, which is usually found in cow skin, for lip filling. However, collagen is likely to cause allergy in certain cases.

In the grafting procedure, local anesthesia is applied, after which the material is inserted through the notch created in the interior ends of the mouth. The opening is then closed with stitches. One of the most popular human donor materials is Alloderm. A great alternative to Alloderm is Softform, which is not easily absorbed in the body. Many people prefer using the fat of their own bodies for augmenting the size of their lips.

When it comes to lip augmentation, it also consists of a couple of non surgical options. There is a method that can be easily performed by your dentist. Since teeth provide support to the lips, enhancing the teeth can give your lips a fuller look. Dental lip enlargement can be performed in two distinctive ways. One way is to modify the shape of the teeth arch through orthodontics. The second way is to alter the shape of the front teeth, which can be done by restorative treatments like laminate veneers. The former method lasts for a longer period.