Saturday, March 22, 2014

Knowing your Facial Types

We all want healthy, luminous, glowing skin all year around.  Good skin is a key sign to good health and we all want to look youthful even at an older age. Since most of us are busy handling our daily lives- taking care of our skin is hardly ever our top priority. Sure we can spend tons of money on skincare regimens that promise to reduce key signs of aging but the most important thing you can do for your skin is practice a monthly facial regimen. This regimen can be done at any salon or even at home with a few key products.
Facials allow your skin to receive a deep, detailed cleansing which can prevent discoloration, dark patches and flaky skin. A facial can give your skin a fresher appearance since it’ll rid of any and all impurities and pollutants from your skin. A professional beautician can help you achieve glowing skin all year around. How to determine your facial before you visit a salon is a must! Doing your research can rid you of any skin problems and leave you less confused at the salon.

Facial 300x199 Knowing your Facial Types
Normal Facial:

If you’re lucky enough to have clear skin without any acne or blemishes then a normal facial is ideal for you. Normal skin types who aren’t too oily or too dry can benefit from a normal facial since it can deep cleanse your pores, steam and massage your skin to prevent aging and fine lines.

Acne Facial:

Acne and blemish prone skin is highly sensitive to deep cleansing. Since a normal facial can lead to broken capillaries, redness, irritation and scaring, an acne facial consists of glycolic acid, salicylic acid and a vapor steam to get rid of impurities and oil-build up on the skin. Glycolic Acid works as a deep exfoliator to lighten any discoloration and scarring on the skin due to acne while salicylic acid unclog pores and blackheads which is the main cause of acne build up. A massage is also given to clarify the skin while soothing it from irritation, the massage can be done gently with the hands or with a electric massager.

Herbal Facial:

If your skin suffers from a dull complexion, an herbal facial can brighten your skin by exfoliating dead skin from the topmost layer. Herbal facials consists of hydrating and moisturizing products with natural ingredients. Herbal treatments can help reduce skin issues by minimizing fine lines and uneven skin tone. Herbal cleansers are used for this type of facial which can help soften the skin’s texture and appearance. If you are looking to remove environmental pollutants deep from the skin and pores, try a herbal facial. 

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