Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Right Way To Pop A Pimple

Here to tell you how you can do that while inflicting the least amount of damage.

1) The only pimples that are (relatively) safe to pop are whiteheads, which are filled with pus and easy to drain. Painful cysts or boils are too deep to drain by yourself, and can lead to scars.

2) Wash your hands and face, using lukewarm water. Do not do this in front of a magnifying mirror.
3) Swab the area with alcohol. Using a clean needle (that you've also swabbed) gently pierce the whitehead, being careful not to draw blood.

4) Using clean fingers or Q-tips, gently squeeze from either side. If it doesn't come out easily, stop. Squeezing too hard and drawing blood will cause scabbing, which can turn into a scar.

5) Cover with a small band-aid to avoid scabbing.

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