Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2010

Care of Your Nails

Quick and easy tips :
Everyone wants nails to be proud of so if yours are less than perfect here are a few quick tips to get them in great condition in no time.
Apply nail varnish remover before doing your nails even if don’t need to remove any old polish, it prepares the nails by removing any grease so that your polish will last longer.

When you are in a rush:
When you are in a rush, decisions have to be made. Prioritize. Do you shape or polish? Do you quick-dry or go the long, slow route? New formulas allow for snap decisions
Speed-dry enamels are worthy of their name (you can open mail, search for keys, or put on your tightest long-sleeved shirt within seconds), but there's a downside: "As fast as they dry, that's as fast they chip," insists manicurist Elisa Ferri, so save them for emergencies. Eke a few extra days out of a fast-dry manicure by doing a daily touch-up with a quick-drying coat.

What to do about brittle nails :
The most common nail wreckers are harsh detergents and water, which can stress nail fibers. So be sure to put rubber gloves on while you clean or do dishes.
Also, avoid using perfume lotions that usually contain alcohol if your nails are brittle. It will only make your nails worse.

After Polishing? :
After you've finished your polish application, don't stop there. Now is the perfect time to give yourself a hand massage. Use a rich hand cream and slather it on using circular movements until it is absorbed. Don't forget that our hands are constantly exposed and need constant attention.

Beauty Recipe For Soft Hands :
1/4 cup sugar
enough lemon juice to make a paste.
Combine the sugar and juice and then scoop a small amount into your hand. Massage for a minute or so and then rinse hands with warm water. Hands will feel velvety smooth. While still damp, slather on hand cream.
Sugar paste can be stored in the refrigerator and used when required.

Best Time To Moisturize Your Hands :
One of the best times to moisturize your hands is right after your bath. Your hands are more receptive at this time as the pores are open and will readily absorb the cream/lotion.

Color of Your Nails :
Did you know that the color of your nails can indicate health problems? If your nails are:
1. half pink and half white... it could indicate kidney failure
2. yellow... could point to diabetes, fungal infection or even heart disease
3. black flecks... an injury to the nail or a blood clotting disorder
4. black or blue spots... an injury to the nail
5. green... fungal or bacterial infection
6. white... anemia
7. white spots... trauma to the nail bed.

Enemies of Your Nails :
Sun, chlorine and harsh cleaning products can make your nails brittle. Get into the habit of using a sunblock when outside and gloves when you are inside. Always use a good moisturizer on your hands on a regular basis.

Enhancing Nail Growth :
Rub the fingernails from one hand across the other hand as if you were buffing them. Do this a few times a day for about 5 minutes to enhance nail growth. This is a form of reflexology.

Finger Massage :
Using four fingers from the opposite hand, start at the top of the finger and knead your way down to the tip of each finger. Feels wonderfully relaxing.

Foods That Will Help Your Nails :
Foods that are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin B and potassium are as good for your nails as they are for the rest of your body. They include soy products, celery, yogurt, eggs and seafood too.

Hand Massage :
To stimulate circulation, rub your palm over the back of the hand and repeat with other hand. This movement is very similiar to washing your hands and it does not only stimulate circulation, it also warms the hands.

Is This What Your Nails Are Craving? :
If your nails are weak, splitting, fragile etc, the problem could be traced back to an inadequate water intake. Most people don't drink nearly enough.

Keeping Your Hands Gorgeous :
Get accustomed to using rubber gloves whenever you do housework or a little gardening. It doesn't take very long to get a sunburn or a callus.

Nail Growth :
The speed of nail growth is increased if you enjoy a healthy diet. It's a proven fact. Illness however, can slow it down.

Nail Growth and Foods :
If you want faster growing nils, be sure that your diet is rich in Vitamins A, B-Complex, C, D, E and iron, calcium, zinc, sulfur, and the essential fatty acids.

Nail Polish Bottle Tips :

1. can be stored in the fridge.
2. can be thinned with a polish thinner. This is not polish remover.
3. coat the cap with a little cream to prevent sticking.

Nail Polish Remover :
Try to limit the use to as infrequently as possible. It is very drying to the nail and the skin surrounding it.

Nails and Dishwashing :
Try to get into the habit of using gloves and as an extra benefit, rub on a little handcream first. The heat from the hot water helps in the absorption process.

Polident For Your Nails? :
We have heard about whitening yellowed nails with the use of a polident tablet. Apparently soaking the nails for fifteen minutes in a warm water bath with one tablet once a week, will whiten them up.

Polish Remover Tips :
Moisten a cotton ball and press against the center of your nail for a few seconds and then pull it downward, away from the cuticle. Repeat until the entire nail is clean, repeating procedure on both sides of the nail.

Right Shape For Your Nails :
The classic oval shape is most flattering but it really depends on the shape of your fingers and hands.

Saving The Nails :
It is really easy to pick up some bad habits. The worst are using your nails as tools. A few years ago when phones had dials, it was a really hard on your nails but everyone did it. Luckily, punching in the numbers as long as you use the pads of your fingers is much easier on the nails. Start watching how you use your nails so that you can drop these habits.

Shaping The Nail :
File in one direction - from the corner to the center. Filing in all directions will only weaken the nails.

Slugs and Hand Care :
Chafing of the skin can be relieved with the slime of a slug. So, what do you do? Put the slug on the sore area of your hand and let it crawl around. Once the section has been slimed, you can then let the slug go!

Soft Hands :
Before you go to bed, lavish on the Vaseline and then pop on a pair of cotton gloves. Hands will be incredibly soft by morning.

Storing Nail Polish :
Don't store polish in a warm place as the polish will change consistency. But it is, a good idea to store it in the refrigerator.

The Corners of Your Nails :
The corner of your nails should never be filed. Doing so, will weaken the nail and you will find that they will break more easily as a result.

The Use of a Base Coat :
The use of a basecoat is important. It not only protects the nail but prevents the staining of the nail from brightly colored polishes. It will also help your polish to last longer.

Tiny Nails :
The size of your nails are inherited and there is little that you can do BUT, you can make them appear larger by filing them into an elongated oval. That means no squared off edges. Pale, frosty shades also help with this illusion by not drawing attention to the edges.

Uses For Empty Nail Polish Bottles :
Fill the clean bottle with vegetable oil and paint your nails and cuticles several times a day.

Vitamin A and Your Nails :
If your nails are constantly peeling, snapping or generally just not up to parr, look to your diet. It could be that there is an insufficient amount of Vitamin A in the foods you eat.

Water And Your Hands :
Get into the habit of wearing rubber gloves when you do any cleaning around the house. Cleaning agents can be extremely harsh on both nails and hands. The nails when exposed to water, swell and then shrink back as they dry. This contributes to brittle nails.

What Do Black Lines Mean? :
Black lines in your nails if you are Caucasian could signify malignant melanoma. Check with your doctor.

White Spots on the Nails :
If you have white spots appearing on your nails, they are more than likely, calcium deposites. They are usually caused by banging the nail surface.

Winter Nail Care :
This time of year, it is especially important to protect your nails. ALWAYS wear gloves outside ( I know that it can be a pain) and your favorite moisturizer too and don't forget the nails, cuticles and the hands while applying.

You Can Encourage Nail Growth :
All you have to do is massage your favorite cream into your cuticle area, the nail and the fingertips. This will soften the skin and as an added bonus, encourage your nails to grow. Do this as often as you like

Glowing Skin

Mash a banana in milk, apply on the face and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Apply honey on your face and neck and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.Your skin will glow and become soft and smooth.

Mix egg white with honey and apply on the face. Leave on for 20 minutes.Wash off with cold water.

Make a paste of one teaspoon each of walnut powder, honey and lemon juice. Scrub your face with this paste and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Rub a piece of papaya on your face and neck for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Make a paste of 2 tablespoons turmeric (haldi) powder in orange juice. Apply on your face and neck, and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Make a paste by mixing mashed banana, honey, lemon juice and margarine. Apply on the face and leave overnight. Smear on hands and feet, and wash off in the morning (wear gloves on hands and socks on feet).

Boil cabbage in water. Wash your face with this water.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Facial masks for beautiful skin

Home remedies for skin care.

Skin care is a part of our everyday life and facial masks can help us with that. Let's face it-our skin shows signs of aging first. Aging is individual for everyone and depends on many factors such as: genetics, lifestyle, general health and work conditions, and climate. All of those factors take their toll on our skin. Do not wait for the first signs of aging to appear; start caring for your skin as early as possible. This applies to both women and men alike.
Home made facial masks are good because it takes just minutes to prepare them,they are cheap and they give wonderful results. Facial masks should be used regularly, at least once a week, for the best results.
Some people choose just few skin care products and stick to them; some people like trying new and different ones. It does not matter as long as it makes you happy. However, remember that some ingredients may cause allergic reactions. Consult your doctor or do a skin test before using any new beauty product.

Facial mask for busy woman: Cut open 2-3 grapes and smear their juice over the face, neck and eyelids. Wash off in 15-20 min with cold water.

Moisturizer and makeup remover: Combine 1 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of coconut oil, 1 tbsp of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp of mashed strawberries, and 1-2 drops of vitamin E. Keep in a fridge in a covered jar.

Cold cream-moisturizer: Combine 1 beaten egg yolk and 2 tbsp of lemon juice. Stirring constantly, slowly add ½ cup of olive oil and ½ cup of vegetable oil until the mixture thickens like paste. If too thick add more lemon juice. Spread over your face for 10-15 min and wash off with warm water.

Facial masks that clean and revitalize skin and tighten pores :
Add 3-5 drops of lemon juice to a beaten egg white and spread it over the face and upper part of the neck. When first layer dries up apply second one. Keep for 15-20 min and wash off with lukewarm water.
Beat 1 egg white to thick foam and add ½ tsp of honey, ½ tsp of fresh milk and ½ tsp of lemon juice. Mix well and add a little bit of flour to make it thicker. Apply to the face and keep on for 20 min. Wash off facial mask with cool water without soap.
Combine 2 tbsp of water, 2 tbsp of alcohol and 100 g of warmed up honey. Keep the mask on for 10-12 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.
Combine 1 tbsp of honey, 1 egg, 1 tsp of dried and crashed chamomile flowers and 1 tsp of finely chopped fresh mint. Apply to the face and neck, keep for 15-20 min and wash off with warm water.
In a blender mix 1 tbsp of instant nonfat dry milk, 1/2 of peeled cucumber and 1 tsp of plain yogurt. Apply to the face and keep for 20 min, rinse off with lukewarm water.
Combine mashed banana, 1 tbsp of honey and small amount of orange juice. Apply the mix to clean face and keep on for 15 min. Rinse off with warm water.
Mix together 1/2 tsp of honey and ½ cup of pureed cucumber. Apply to your face and leave for 30 min, rinse with lukewarm water.

Cleanser for oil-clogged pores: Mix together 1 tsp of milk, 1 tsp of honey and 1 tbsp of ground almonds. Apply mixture to your face and scrub lightly for couple of minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Cleans and rejuvenates face and neck: 20 g of laurel leaves bring to a boil in 100 g of water, let stand till cools down and wipe your face in the morning.

Honey water: feeds skin, softens it and smoothes wrinkles to some degree: Dissolve 1 tbsp of honey in 2 cups of warm water. Wash the face for 5-7 min before bed. Rinse with warm water with no soap..

Facial masks that bring color to pale skin:
Combine 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of orange juice. Mix very well and apply to clean face. Keep the mask on for as long as possible, but no less than 30 min. Wash off with warm water.
Whip 1 egg white with 1 tbsp of sugar. Keep on your face no more than 15-20 min. Repeat few times a week.

Fast short-term solutions for fresher skin :
Combine whipped egg white and fresh yeast till thick like facial cream. Keep on face for 30 min then wash off.
Whipped egg white mix with oat or corn flour till it reaches consistency of facial cream. Add 1 tbsp of lemon or 2 tbsp of tomato juices. Apply to a clean face and keep for 20 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Facial masks that whiten skin, soothe and smooth wrinkles:
Combine 1 raw egg yolk with 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of glycerin. Apply to the face and keep for about 2 hours. Wash off with lukewarm water. Keep the rest of the mix in fridge for no more than few days. This facial mask can be repeated 2-3 times a week.
Mix together 100 g of sour cream, 100 g of vodka, juice of 1 lemon and 1 raw egg yolk. Whip and keep in the fridge under tight lid. Apply on a clean face, neck and hands before bed. Wash off in the morning with warm water.
Carefully combine 1 whipped raw egg white, 1tsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of grated lemon peel and 2 tsp of oats. Mix well and apply to the face. Keep for 10 min. To remove this facial mask soften it with wet cloth and splash your face with cool water afterwards.
Mix together 100 g of honey and juice of 1 lemon. Apply thin layer to the face and keep on for 15 min. Wash off with warm water (no soap).
2, 5 g of gelatin place in 30 ml of water. When gelatin is ready add 60 ml of glycerin and 10 g of honey. Dissolve everything over the steam from boiling water. Cover face and neck using brush or cotton swab. Keep for 10-15 min, wash off with warm water.
Mix together 2 tsp of oat flour, 1 raw egg yolk and 2 grated carrots. Leave on your face for 20 min; wash off first with warm then cold water. Add 20 drops of lemon juice and use this facial mask as whitening.
Put 2 tbsp of yarrow grass and 2 tbsp of chamomile flowers in 750 g of boiling water, cover tightly and steep for 45 min. Wash your face twice a week, every time preparing fresh extract.
Mix together 1 tbsp of linden flowers, 1 tbsp of crushed fennel or parsley and 1 tsp of crushed sage or oak bark. Add 2-3 cups of boiling water and divide everything in half. One half of liquid should be 35-36° C and the other half-24-25° C. Use both halves in rotation to wash your face. Start with hot liquid and end with the cool one. Do it 2-3 times. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Revitol Anti-Aging Solutions
Anti-aging facial masks: Mix together 1 tsp of honey, 1 whipped egg white and 2 tbsp of flour. Apply to a clean face and keep for 10 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 whipped egg white and 2 tbsp of flour. Apply to a clean face and keep for 10 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Winter facial mask: Peel 1 lemon, pick out seeds and mash it with fork. Apply rich cream to your face and cover it with thin layer of cotton (or cotton swabs).Distribute mashed lemon evenly over cotton. Apply new portions as old one dries up. Keep on for 10-15 min,remove and again apply any facial cream.

Facial mask for Sensitive skin: Put 1 tbsp of dry rose petals or sage in 2 cups of boiling water and steep till liquid cools down a little and becomes comfortably warm. Keep compress on your face for 2-5 min.

Facial scrubs and cleansers:
Combine 1 tbsp of sugar with 6 drops of olive oil. Carefully massage the mixture over damp face and rinse with warm water.
Combine equal parts of salt and olive oil and gently massage your face and throat for few minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
In 1 cup of boiling water put 1 tbsp of lightly crushed fennel seeds and steep for 30 min, filter and add 1 tsp of honey and 2 tbsp of buttermilk to the infusion. Keep cleanser in a fridge in a glass container. Use to cleanse face in the evening.

Eye cream : 10 g of crushed fresh parsley combine well with 20 g of unsalted butter.

Eyelids : Peel and grate small raw potato, squeeze out excess juice and cover 2 small pieces of cheesecloth with the mash. Place it on eyelids for 10-15 min.

Crowfeet: Take 2 pieces of stale white bread and soak them in warm milk or cream for a few seconds. Place bread over closed eyelids for 10-15 min. Best result is reached when procedure repeated every day for at least 1 month.
Finely shred white or red cabbage. Mix it with 1 tsp of crushed oats. Apply on clean face for 20 min. Wash off with warm water and apply moisturizing cream.
Combine 2 tbsp of oat or corn flour with 1 raw egg yolk. Whip mix until foamy. Apply on clean face with cotton swab. Keep mask on for 20 min and carefully remove with wet napkin. Wash face first with hot then cold water, pat it dry and apply your favorite cream.

Night cream : add juice of ½ lemon to 1 cup of plain yogurt and mix well. Apply to a face and keep overnight.

Natural Skin Care

Many of us own no underlying thought on our skin kind and how provided that be exhausted on the skin to get the glow/complexion as our prefered star. Instead of idea just about endeavoring for the lotions around in the market, that turns to come up with ‘nil result’, try these types of straightforward info to gift yourself, the sensational skin. These are larger number of of naturally nourishing, economical and easy to prepare.Undoubtedly, coming such information should extend you ideal of the results, simply once utilizing it at gradual explanation and at standard intervals. So, be forecasted to pamper your skin through such ‘natural skin care’ recipes.

Even your prefered star should be employing these kinds of tips… in her daily routine!

1.Caring Carrot Mask: Take a carrot, grate and mix it favorably in on one spoon of honey. Apply this moment all within the duration of the have to manage and leave it for easily 15 minutes. Now wash and feel the change once usual use.

2.Punch of a Pineapple: After mashing up favorably a pineapple slice, mix it amid the juice of an orange or a lemon and add all these kinds of components in wheat flour. Apply such a mixture on the have to handle and neck. Scrub it off once a small amount of time, to get newly written and understated skin.

3.Lemon-Egg Protector: Whip an egg grey till it becomes uppermost up and key in it in the freezer for virtually 15 minutes. Now add the juice of a lemon and a grated tomato among this. Apply on the skin; practice the same for lowest of a period to get the soft skin.

4.Guava Grace: Mash one guava; stir it agreeably investing in the mixture of oatmeal and lemon juice. Apply the now on the are dealing with for up 20 moments and wash it off to see the right glow.

5.Spinach Support: Take a cup of raw pureed spinach, and one spoon of new cream, mix favorably all these kinds of and ask on the face. Leave it for roughly part an hour and wash it off to see the charming skin to validation your high looks.

6.Ravishing Radish Touch: Take side grated up to date radish, one spoon of vinegar, one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of honey. Mix all these kinds of factors in a glass of distilled water and input in a bottle. Wipe your skin presistently to shrink open pores and influence greasiness.

7.Healthy Honey treat: Mix one spoon of honey amongst the grey of an egg and grated potato. Apply presently on the deal with and let it dry. Wash it off in cold water and feel the magic of freshness.

8.Marvel milk treatment: Mix up 50 grams dried pea powder, lemon juice, one pinch of camphor and a little bit milk. Apply it within the have to handle and leave it for 15 moments and scrub it off surrounded by milk. This is viable for treating scars.

9.Strawberry subtle soft: Mix positively just about 5 strawberries, one spoon of china clay and the juice of a minute orange. Apply right now on the have to handle and scrub it ensuing regarding 20minutes investing in a towel dipped in cold water.

10.Tomato and Sandal pack: Mix enormously one grated tomato, one spoon of sandalwood powder and portion spoon of china clay. Mix yet again all such components in shot up water and ask on the face, leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it off to feel tightened skin.

Beautiful Eyebrows

Perfect eyebrows almost transcend the beauty of the face and make an immediate visible impact in a makeover session. The most coveted eyebrow shape is the one that starts directly above the inner corner of the eye, while its highest point is little beyond the outer corner of the iris. It tapers off to the end in a rounded bow like shape. However, not many women have been endowed with that perfect brow so most of them have to resort to many other procedures to attain the desired shape or reach nearest to it such as plucking, tweezing and waxing the brows. Here are some simple tips to tame your brows:

Spray a little hair spray on your brows and brush them using your toothbrush to keep them in place.

If you don’t have time for tweezing, you can get the desired contour quickly by brushing them upwards and then snipping the longest hairs beyond the natural arch using a pair of tiny scissors.
Eyebrows slanting upwards make you look angry, so be careful not to take off too much at the outer corners.

Before tweezing your brows, you must prepare your skin by wiping the brow area with a cotton ball soaked in astringent. The cooling effect numbs the skin for sometime and thus, you do not feel much pain.
Hold the tweezers at 45 degrees and pluck the stray hairs below the brow line in the direction of the hair growth.
If your brows are sparse, use a freshly sharpened brow pencil to fill in the areas with light, quick strokes.
To get a natural and more defined look, you can brush your brows with a brow brush dipped in brow powder in upward and outward strokes.

It is important to use the correct shade for your brows. Fair women can use blonde shades while olive colored women should choose tawny or brown. Dark African-American women can use gray shades.

To add volume to your brows, use a stiff, slanted brush to apply eye shadow in short gentle strokes.

In case, you have over tweezed certain brow area, try to fill the patch using brow shadow, applying in the direction of the hair growth.
Eye shadow gives more natural look to your brows than an eyebrow pencil!

Brow shade should be about two shades lighter than hair color for olive or dark skinned women and two shades darker than hair color blondes or women with grey hair.

How to get rid dark circles around eyes

1st sleep 6-8 hours a day at night not after night

2nd keep slices of potatoes or cucumber on ur eyes for 10 min atleast daily

3rd drink juices especially pomegranate and carrot.

4th Soak 2 Almonds overnight. Peel and grind to a smooth paste. Add a few drops of limejuice to this Apply for 20-25 minutes. This should be followed daily and gradually after 2 weeks, every 3rd day and finally when the difference is visible, to once aeek. A paste of Almonds can be stored in a clean bottle in the 'fridge.

How To Know Your Skin Type

Do you have Normal, Dry or Oily Skin? Oh!! You don’t know your skin type… It will be really difficult for you to choose any skin products without knowing its type. Do not worry here you will find a very simple method to identify your skin type. You can find it at home easily.

Wash your face with mild soap or face wash. Pat it dry with a soft towel.
Now wait for an hour and do not apply anything on your face. Do not go in very hot or cold climate. For better result stay at home.

Take tissue paper and press on different spots of your face. For better results use separate piece of tissue onto each area of your face like chin, cheeks, forehead, nose.
After few minutes examine each tissue and look for any residue on it.
Oily Skin – The tissue will stick to your face and have oily spots. Your face will look shiny specially nose, chicks and forehead.
Dry Skin – The tissue will not stick and will not have any oily spots. After washing your face, you feel stretched skin i.e. tight and dryness in skin is observed.
Combination Skin – If tissue sticks in your T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). It is oily as well as dry mix. T-zone part of face is oily and rest is dry.
Normal Skin – Face looks neither too oily nor too dry. Skin looks very bright and is blemish free. Hardly 20% of women have this skin type.

Avoid testing your skin hen you have applied oil to your hair. As oil gets spread over the forehead and it may give wrong impression as oily skin. So test your skin when your hair is oil-free.

healthy & shiny hair

It is better to apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.

Wash hair with tea once in a week.

Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained from the cooked rice.

Soak a handful of gooseberry in a cup of milk for two hours. Make it as a paste and apply in the hair.

Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoon of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time.

Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Let it soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so.
Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning.

Do a 'steam-towel-wrap' once in a while, if your cuticles are damaged, as this steaming opens out the pores and absorbs the oil.
Deep condition with curd, beer and egg.

Mix a little vinegar in warm water and rinse your hair with this solution. This will add bounce to dull and lifeless hair.

Soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek in curd and keep it for a night. Have it in the next morning.

Boil coconut oil with the juices of curry leaves, basil, hibiscus flower and gooseberry. Apply on hair, keep it for sometime and rinse.

Egg white and curd is a good conditioner for hair.

Take a cup of coconut and mustard oils. Soak half a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture and keep it for a night. Next morning, heat on a slow fire till the curry leaves turn crisp. Remove from heat and add two to three camphor balls. Allow oil to cool and then strain. Apply oil to hair roots using cotton wool along the parting and massage in circular movements. Leave the oil overnight and shampoo the next morning. Repeat twice a week.
Add a lemon peel to a 'shikakai' and 'amla' mixture while washing your hair

Beautiful Feet

Everyone wants to have smooth skin and Beautiful Feet

Take 1 cup Lemon Juice, Cinnamon (for smell), 2 tablespoons (or less) olive oil, 1/4 cup of milk, and water you can make a wash that leaves skin refreshed and fragrant (the amount of water does not matter).

If you do not like the cinnamon smell you can replace it with another spice, perfume, or flower petals such as roses.

After you make it, you can put it in a tub were you can soak your feet or body.

Next dry your feet or rinse them with water and a MILD soap.

After a few weeks of doing this your skin will be silky smooth.

Natural remedies for great hair

Do you want gorgeous hair?

According to the Seemaa Tarneja and Priya Khanna the consulting nutritionists Here is a list of what you need to watch out for natural remedies for great hair.

Try these natural remedies that need ingredients from your home garden or off your kitchen shelves.

* Normal hair:

- Peel a dudhi (bottle gourd), squeeze the peels to extract the juice and apply it into your hair. Keep on for half an hour to one hour. Wash. The amount of juice required would depend entirely on the length of your hair.

- Soak one 1 tsp methi seeds overnight, grind it and apply it to your hair. After an hour wash it out well. Shampoo your hair the next day. The methi will give your hair a glow.

- Make a paste with equal quantities of henna powder, orange peel powder (dry the orange peel and powder it), methi powder and lemon peel powder (dry the lemon peel an powder it) and apply it to your hair for half an hour. Wash off with plain water and shampoo the next day.

- Boil tea leaves in water. Strain. Condition your hair after a shampoo with the same water. Rinse.

- Massage your scalp with coconut milk for two hours before a shampoo.

- Grate 50 grams of dudhi. Add that to 50 ml coconut oil and boil the oil on a low flame till the water in it dries up and apply to your hair for one to two hours before washing.

- Mix fresh lemon juice in cool water and use it to wash your hair. It will give a shine to your hair.

- Take few drops of safflower oil on your palms. Rub the oil from the base of your head towards the scalp. This replaces essential fatty acid lost from the base.

Oily hair:

- Apply yoghurt to your hair at least one to two hours before shampooing.

- Soak henna leaves in coconut oil and massage the same oil into your scalp. Shampoo well.

- Beat an egg yolk and work into your scalp at least one hour before washing with shampoo.

Dry hair:

- Dip a wad of cotton into unboiled milk and apply onto your scalp one hour before washing.

- Beat an egg white and apply it onto your scalp one hour before washing.

For falling hair:

- Grind an onion, strain the juice and apply to your scalp.

- Mix lemon juice and amla (Indian gooseberry) juice in equal quantities. Apply on your scalp every night. This concoction also helps growth and prevents premature graying.

- Cut some amla into pieces and dry them in the shade. Soak the dried amla in water overnight then boil these pieces in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes charred dust. Then apply the oily residue into your hair. The water in which the amla pieces are soaked can be used for the last rinse of the hair.

For dandruff:

- Pour a capful of vinegar into your hair and rub it into the scalp. Let it dry for few minutes.

Wash. Repeat the process until the dandruff disappears over a period of time.

Foot Care And You

Your feet are multifarious structures, which may reflect your general health and comfort. Symptoms such as persistent pain or soreness are warning signs. If, for example, you neglect a painful joint, it can deteriorate and become acutely painful. Then you may start walking badly to avoid the pain and that can lead to more serious postural problems.

  • Wear footwear that supports the foot properly, reducing the chance of injury.
  • Don't wear the same shoes every day.
  • Choose footwear made of natural materials to help your feet to breathe.
  • Air trainers before and after exercise to prevent build up of bacteria.
  • If you suffer from knee, hip or back pain, which has resisted treatment, consider visiting a state-registered chiropodist. Sometimes a small structural or functional imbalance in the foot may cause problems further up the body. What you wear on your feet can affect you further up your body.
  • Change stockings or socks at least once a day. Choose socks containing at least 70 per cent cotton or wool. Some socks made from man-made fibers can help keep sweat away from the skin, keeping the skin dry and reducing odor.
  • Calf stretches help to keep feet supple and keep a good range of movement. To stretch your calf and heel, stand facing a wall with feet hip width apart and slightly bent at the knee. Take one step forwards, and using your arms to lean against the wall, keep your leg in front bent and the leg behind straight. Both feet should be flat on the ground. Lean in towards the wall, as you do, you should feel your muscles stretching in your calf and heel. Hold and slowly return to a Standing position. Do this with each leg about five times. Seek further help if you experience problems doing this exercise.
  • Vary your heel heights from day to day, one-day wearing low heels, and the next day slightly higher heels.
  • Vary shoe types.
  • For everyday use, keep heel heights to about 2cm.
  • Consider wearing shoes with a strap or lace over the instep rather than slip-ons. This will help stop your foot sliding forward, a bit like a seatbelt in a car.
  • Diabetes can affect the feet. People suffering from diabetes may experience poor circulation and sensation in their feet. Even the smallest injury can lead to infection, which, if not treated promptly, may lead to serious complications. If you have diabetes, it is important to examine your feet daily. Anyone with diabetes should consult their podiatrist regularly and have a full annual review and assessment.
  • To refresh feet, massage gently with a foot roller, or better still, ask you partner to massage your feet.
  • Sitting with your feet up for 10 minutes after a long day helps circulation.
  • Your feet can mirror your general health - conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and neurological and circulatory disorders may show initial symptoms in the feet.[/COLOR]
  • Circle your feet ten times in each direction, keeping your leg as still as possible.
  • Consciously straighten your toes and wriggle them around.
  • Raise, point and then curl your toes for five seconds each, repeated ten times which is particularly good for your toe cramps or hammer toes.
  • Circle the alphabet with your feet. (A good exercise you can do while sitting at your desk in the office.)
  • Visit a registered podiatrist/chiropodist for advice. You can take your shoes with you for specific advice on footwear.

3 steps for a great facial

A facial cleans, exfoliates and nourishes the skin to encourage clear, well-hydrated skin. A facial is the second most well-liked spa service after massage.

If you want healthy skin you'll need to take care of your face and nurture it with the right products. The facial is as easy as three steps: cleanse, tone and moisturize.

Here's how to facial in 3 easy steps:
  1. You'll need to pick a cleanser for facial that's best for your skin category. For those of you with dry to normal skin, a cream based cleanser is a good option. Those of you with oily or combination skin may have a preference for a gel base cleanser. The nose is a target for extra oil, and many people fail to remember to extend their cleanser up to the hairline to remove makeup and dirt.
  2. I know that toners are one of those things that some people say you can leave out. If you choose to use a toner, it will get rid of any traces of cleanser lingering on your skin, temporarily shrink pores and may even give a moisturizing effect, depending on the ingredients in the toner.
  3. to finish the facial apply your toner on a cotton pad or ball and just swipe all over your skin again paying particular attention to areas such as the sides of your nose.
You'll want to moisturize after your toner, but make sure you moisturize before your toner has had a chance to completely dry. Doing this helps seal in additional moisture. If it's morning, try to select a moisturizer with SPF. Apply a pea size amount of moisturizer to moisturize your face and neck. Your neck will show your age more quickly if you do not guard and nourish it like you do your face.

Wrinkle Remover

Green Thompson seedless grapes! It has one of the ingredients in those big time expensive wrinkle creams.

All you do is cut a grape in half and gently crush it on your face and neck. Make sure that you get the "crows-feet" and the lines around your mouth. Leave it on for twenty minutes or so and rinse with tepid water and pat dry.

Repeat every day and before you know it... those nasty old lines will be hard to find!Don't forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. And... eat veggies rich in Vitamin A, such as carrots, celery and spinach.

If you can, get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Dark Circles Under Eyes...

To lighten dark circles under your eyes, wrap a grated raw potato in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

Wipe off the residue and apply an eye cream.

White Nails

To whiten your nails, try these:
  • Use a common whitening toothpaste. Try scrubbing your nails with Pearl Drops, it's just as easy as achieving a pearly white smile and will take away any stains and shine up your nails.
  • Soak your nails in water with lemon juice or lemon slices. The lemon acts as an astringent and will strip away stains. Once your hands are dry, you'll only need to put on a couple of coats of a clear topcoat

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Natural Beauty Tips, Everyone Should Know

  • Sleeping on your back will prevent many wrinkles and breakouts on your face, and even wrinkles in your cleavage area
  • Wearing clothes that are tight make you look heavier. Even a slim girl can bulge over too-tight jeans
  • Put on a coat of clear nail polish before a colored polish to keep your nails from discoloring
  • Being angry really does take away from your beauty now and will result in more wrinkles later
  • Wearing less make-up makes you look younger
  • Vitamins and minerals are needed for health and beauty, but more is not always better. Too much Vitamin A or Selenium can cause hair loss. There is nothing beautiful about losing your hair
  • If you are unhappy with a hair conditioner, it will still make a great “shaving cream” for your legs in the shower
  • When shaving, don’t stretch the skin or you could cause ingrown hairs by shaving hair off slightly under the skin
  • Drink plenty of water and get eight hours of sleep every day
  • Tighten bra straps as they stretch out, or buy a new bra when they can’t tighten any further, to keep the bosom looking young and perky
  • Instead of shaving over and over, with the hairs coming in darker and thicker each time, try waxing. Waxing to remove hair will result in softer hairs each time and result in permanent hair loss after a few sessions. Aussie Nad’s is an all-natural product which is easy to use
  • Sleeping on two or three pillows at a time, or on an Acid Reflux Sleep Wedge will help get rid of dark circles under your eyes
  • Exercise while dieting is a must or your skin will be too large (and saggy) for your smaller body. It is much, much tougher to tighten skin after your body shrinks than as you go
  • After washing your face, rinse in cold water (fair-skinned people should use cool instead of cold) to close the pores and tighten the facial muscles
  • If you are out of quick-dry spray for nails, dip your fingers into a bowl of ice-cold water. (Don’t to touch the sides of the bowl.) Your nails will dry very quickly
  • Good posture can make you look much slimmer
  • Wearing a low heel will give you better posture than wearing flat shoes
  • Renew thick nail polish by adding a few drops of fingernail polish remover to the bottle
  • Make a nail polish bottle not get stuck closed, put a thin coat of Vaseline inside the lid
  • Clean hair brushes occasionally with dish soap and borax. In a dishpan of very warm water, add 1/2 cup of borax and a few drops of liquid dish soap. Swish the brushes to stir, rinse, and let air dry. Scrub any stubborn spots with a used toothbrush

How to Make Your Hands Soft and Smooth

Beautiful and softer hands are so important. Hands are the first of all body parts to show your age and need quiet a lot of pampering and care to keep of wrinkles and keep them looking young, supple, soft and smooth. Hands tell you a number of things about yourself. Hands tell you how you lead your life and how you take care of your body and skin. It is said that the hands tell you how old a woman is. No matter how old you are, your hands tell an observer a lot about yourself as a person. Dressing up in fancy clothes is of no use if you do not take care of your hands and feet. While speaking or communicating with others you use your hands to express yourself, emphasize a point etc.

Hands play an important role in communication. Imagine what life would be like without your hands. It is a part of the body that you use the most, you cook with them, get dressed with them, write with them, empathize with them and shake others hands when you meet them. Take good care of your hands and treat them well as they are essential for your existence.

Here are some tips that you can use for the purpose:

  1. Do not let the skin on hands dry and moisturize them often to keep off the winkles.
  2. Sun exposure damage skin so use sunscreen lotion on hands before venturing out.
  3. Protect your hands from dust, pollution and chemical reactions at all times by wearing gloves while doing gardening or washing dishes.
  4. Keep the evaporation from drying out water or fungal infections from developing by patting your hands dry frequently.
  5. Special treatments such as a warm oil bath and herbal therapies can keep your hands soft and supple forever.
  6. Warm hands are key to better skin and good health. Cold hands often lead to colds and flu infections.
  7. Acetone polish removers dry out nails, so, don’t use them.
  8. Do not color nails for few days after every two weeks for better and healthy nails.
  9. Make you nails stronger by dipping your fingertips in lukewarm olive oil.
  10. Do not remove cuticles because they are there to protect your nails from infection.
  11. Use hand cream often and keep a bottle of it every where you visit frequently such as bathroom or vanity, kitchen and bedroom.
  12. Mix glycerin, lemon juice and a few drops of rose water and use it to massage your hands every other day.
  13. Cornmeal is a great scrub for hands and cleanse and softens your hands wonderfully.

Natural Eye Makeup Look

A natural eye makeup look is an important one to master. Many occasions call for subtle or natural looking makeup, from conservative business settings to an early morning dentist appointment. You want to look put together but don’t want it to be too obvious you are wearing makeup. Here are a few tips for giving your eyes some definition without looking like you tried too hard.

-Start with a base to neutralize any redness you may have in the eye area and to help your color last all day without creasing. Eye makeup products like MAC Bare Canvas Paint or Too Faced Shadow Insurance are perfect for prepping your lid for a neutral look.

-Swipe a soft neutral shade all over the lid. You can go with a beige, peach, or bone color depending on your skin tone. Matte shades or slightly shimmery ones such as MAC Grain are ideal choices.

-Apply a taupe or brown color in your crease using a rounded crease brush. Avoid red-based browns. A color like MAC Satin Taupe is flattering to most skin tones. After applying, use a blending brush to blend as much as possible so the color fades gradually.

-Use a pencil eye liner in a medium brown color. A soft pencil in a color similar to your lashes like Urban Decay Bourbon or MAC Teddy Eye Kohl gives you the most natural look. A gel liner like the soft shimmery brown MAC Ostentatious applied with a light hand can also look pretty and natural. Liquid liners should be avoided altogether.

-Curl your lashes and then apply one coat of mascara to the upper lashes only. Go with a brown mascara or dark brown if your hair is very dark. Black can look too harsh for natural makeup looks.

-Be sure to fill in your brows. This is an essential step for making your face look complete. Use a powder or soft pencil in a shade that is just slightly lighter than your natural brow color. Follow your natural arch and fill in the brows, being sure to blend well.

-A brow highlighter helps round out your look. A neutral shadow such as MAC Vanilla applied to the brow bone just under the brows adds a little highlight/definition without adding color.

It is very easy to get a natural eye makeup look with the right makeup products and a little bit of practice. After a few tries, achieving this look will become just as effortless as it appears!

Right Way To Washing Your Hair

Most of us think we have this all down pat, but for all we know, we might be wrong. After all, we have been washing our hair all our lives. How could we go wrong with something like washing our hair? However, we might be washing our hair the wrong way and contribute to its damage without actually knowing it.

What we should remember about our hair is that the individual strands of our hair, no matter how thick or strong it looks, is actually very delicate. So we cannot just tug and pull at it, or else it would break. We would not want to have hair breakage, would we?

So, what is the right way of washing the hair?
The first thing you should do is to comb the tangles out of the hair before you wet it so the hair would wash easily and the tangles would not worsen. And then, wet your hair thoroughly under the shower. You can use either warm or cold water if you like, but for best results, you can wet your hair with warm water to open the scale-like cuticles of the hair and wash all the oil and dirt off. And then, you can rinse your hair with cold water afterwards to close the cuticles and add to the shine of your hair.

Rinse your hair under the shower to rid it of the leave-on conditioner and styling aids you have used previously, using gentle strokes of your fingertips. Then, pour a dollop of shampoo in the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together, and then apply the shampoo to your scalp. Take note that you should put the shampoo on your scalp and not at the ends of your hair, as the shampoo would dry your hair’s ends and cause it to weaken and split. Also, do not mix your hair all over your head as you shampoo because it will get all tangled up. After this, rinse the shampoo off.

More often than not, we need to shampoo our hair for a second time. The purpose of the first shampoo is to clean the oil and dirt off; the second shampoo is supposed to let the shampoo treat our hair. So, repeat the process, but let the shampoo sit on for around a couple of minutes. Rinse the hair completely after this.

To get the excess water off your hair, just squeeze the water out. Do not pull or tug at the hair because the hair is at its most delicate when it is soaked. When the excess water is out, apply a dollop of conditioner – mane event – and apply it along the hairline, the nape and the ends of the hair. Pile your hair then inside a shower cap and let the conditioner stay there for around ten minutes. And then, rinse it off completely.

The process described here does seem tedious and time-consuming. But remember, having great hair takes time and effort. And it is definitely worth it for a picture perfect hair.

Curly Hair Style

It's true, curly hair can sometimes need a bit more care and attention than straight hair to keep it looking its best.Not every stylist knows how to cut curly hair. Ask various salons if they have someone who specializes in curly haircuts. Curly hair needs to be cut wet so you can see the natural shape.Give your naturally wavy hair more defined curls. Take small sections of your hair while its damp, and roll them up into little balls.Whether you have natural curls or got them in the salon, you'll need to know the right way to care for them. Most straight-haired girls would love to have a head full of curls. At these times women are changing from their flat-irons and opting for a hair diffuser and making the most of beautiful natural curly hair

Hair cut & face look:
Choosing the right hair cut for your face is very important.Firstly, you need to determine your facial structure- do you have an oval face, square face or heart-shaped face? The type of hair style you can wear is best determined by the shape of your face and head. By knowing the shape of your face before you visit the hair salon can help you avoid ending up with a bad hair cut.

Common Mistakes:

Regularly washing your hair strips it of essential oils and can leave it dry and brittle.trimmed every 5 weeks helps to maintain the condition of your hair and its style.Shampoo and conditioner that is not thoroughly rinsed out of the hair is the worst culprit for bad hair days.Using the right product will help to recreate that special salon style.. Using a clarifying shampoo once a week will give hair a residue free fresh start.

Ever wonder why your hair isn't as shiny or bouncy as those ads, in spite of using the same shampoo? It is no wonder, with the way most of us treat our hair- tugging at it with a hair brush, using elastic bands, blasting it with a hot hair dryer, roughly washing it, slathering lots of products through it.Curl the brush under at the ends to achieve a slight bend. Continue until the back sections are completely dry and then repeat on the top sections of hair.


If your hair starts looking lank, then simply put it up. Not only will this vary your look, it'll keep your hair protected from the wind and other damaging elements. And if it's really, really oily, sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder onto your scalp, as this will absorb the oil for several hours until you next shampoo. In addition, using your conditioner as though it were a shampoo - as in, massaging it into your scalp and rinsing