Tuesday, September 4, 2012

5 Everyday Eye Care Tips

Our eyes are one of the most complex and important organs in our bodies, so we must do all our best to protect it. They are the windows for us to see beautiful scenery and things in the world, so we must learn to show our gratitude to our eyes. Here are some daily tips to preserve and maintain your eye.

Useful Tips to Take Care of Your Eyes
  1. Do not have direct eye contact with the sun because the sun may affect your eyes permanently and cause incurable damages to them. You can also try to wear a sunglasses to prevent it.
  2. Avoid wearing your contact lenses for more than 19 hours constantly in a day. Prolonged contact lens wear can causepermanent sight damage and also extreme discomfort to your eyes. You must take care of your eyes and do not wear specs for a long duration either.
  3. Give your eye a break - If you spend long hours at the computer or focusing on a thing, you will tend to forget to blink and your eyes can get tired. A good tip is to look away from the computer and see somewhere far every 20 minutes. This can assist in reducing eyestrain.
  4. Sufficient sleep does matter - Being overtired can increase eyestrain. If you get adequate sleep, your eyes will be refreshed together with the rest of your body
  5. Quit Smoking and stay healthy by doing regular exercises.

It is easy to take your eye for granted. Now show your gratitude to them by taking good care so that they can stay healthy for life. Be good to your eyes now.

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