Saturday, September 24, 2011

6 Homemade anti-aging solutions

It is very natural process and every body has to face aging process.When our age exceed and our skin gets the symbol of aging. In this way our skin becomes fragile and weak due to different causes. By taking usual anti-aging homemade remedies we make our skin immature and gorgeous.
Here are some easy and useful homemade anti-aging scrubs;

    1.Homemade scrub by using tomato and potato:

Top amazing secrets for anti- aging

Anti-aging is very big problem that effect on our beauty. There are different treatments available in market that reduce anti- aging problem. We can make our personality gorgeous.


If we adopt following routine then this problem will lessen greatly. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing are three fundamental rules for beauty and gorgeous personality.

Top 8 causes and solutions of dry skin

Many people consider that dry skin is very constant and chronic disease. It makes great problem for people. You can also suffer great skin problems through this disease like skin allergies, rashes, inflammation or puffiness, wrinkles and fine lines. There are different types of skin like oily skin, dry skin, normal skin, sensitive skin. Today we will discuss dry skin, its causes and some easy and effective solutions.

Causes of dry skin:

Here are few causes of dry skin ;

9 techniques for skin exfoliation professionally

Daily skin exfoliation rituals are best for perfect flawless skin, due this routine it enhances our facial beauty and prevent our skin from skin problems like blemishes, acne, abnormal growth of hairs, dead skin and many other. Our face skin is very soft and delicate organ of our body, it also needs to grow new cells and by exfoliation process we can remove our dead skin and in this way we can get healthy, fresh and flawless skin. As we know that exfoliation is the removal of dead and old cells and manufacture new cells.

Masks for fair complexion

Here are some masks for getting fair complexion

Gram flour and egg mask:

  • 4 tablespoon of Gram flour
  • 4 tablespoon of Egg white

Pre-makeup skin care steps

If you want a gorgeous and flawless makeup look, first you have to prepare your skin like a canvas for the best future makeup masterpiece. For perfect makeup first of all you have to prepared skin. If you want to get a fabulous and prefect makeup look than you should apply pre-makeup skin care. Here are some important steps for a gorgeous makeup look. 

5 benefits of facial steaming

Facial steaming plays vital role in keeping your skin soft, beautiful and glowing. It is one of the basic methods to detox our pores. It is one of the most efficient process of deep cleansing for your skin. It eliminates all toxins from our skin. Facial steaming is recommended in once a week so that your skin become glowing and healthy. There are many benefits of taking steam to your face.Here are some main benefits of facial steaming;

Home made facial scrub for glowing skin

Due to these scrubs you will really get a very special shine, smoothness and brightness on your skin. Make sure that you have to test your skin's sensitivity. If you are allergic with some thing then avoid from using these things.
Facial scrub by using cleansing milk and sugar:
    cream in palm
  • Clean your face with water and take a little amount of cleansing milk or cream on center of palm of your hand and add 1-2 tablespoon of sugar or salt in it and mix.

Top 5 natural homemade facial bleach

Here are different natural homemade bleach, these are free from chemicals and any side effects. You use different methods of removing hair but if you use bleach either cream or natural it is more effective way and help you to create the illusion of removing unwanted hair.
Some basic and effective natural homemade facial bleaching methods are as follow;
  1. Homemade facial bleach by using tomatoes:
  2. Take some tomatoes, because tomatoes have quality to lighten the facial hair. It is known as natural hair bleachers. In order to apply bleach first step is to clean your skin, and remove all makeup, dirt and residues. Then it is time to apply tomato bleach by cutting tomato in to two parts and apply it on face. Leave it for 2-3 minutes and wash it with water. You can see the result very quickly.

Best 15 treatments for oily skin

Oily skin is very big problem for few people, if you donot take proper care then you may suffer from skin problems like acne, black and white heads, blemishes and zits. There are different causes of oily skin, it is due to excess of glands, or may be heredity or hygienic issues.
It is necessary to take care of your skin, whether you have oily, dry or normal skin. Here are different effective techniques to get rid of oily skin and get healthy, glowing and spot free skin.




Diamon Bracelets

Embroidered Tunic

Fashionable Glasses

Printed Shalwar Qameez



Monday, September 19, 2011

Hair loss causes and treatments

We also named hair loss as alopecia, baldness or thinning of hair. Many of us are suffering with this problem, we almost lose 100 hairs from our head daily and normally our scalp contains 100,000 hairs. There are number of causes of hair loss few of them are listed below;

Hair loss causes:

- Genetics

- Hormonal disturbances

- Stress

- Unbalanced diet

- Usage of medicines

- Dandruff

- Different diseases

- Age factor

- Fungal infection

- Too much intake of coffee or alcohol

Hair loss treatments:

Here are some important tips and techniques to get rid of hair loss;

  • Take balanced diet, increase the intake of vitamin A, C, B6,B12, folic acid, biotin and do exercise regularly so that your body's hormones remain in balance.
  • Choice of different hair stylist or hair dresser may help you to hide your thinning of hair.
  • Oiling your hair and massage your scalp regularly.
  • Your hair should be dandruff free, for this purpose use lemon juice and rub it on your scalp for 20 minutes.
  • Avoid using chemicals and heat appliances such as hair dyes, hair curlers or straighteners etc.
  • Do not use strong shampoos and conditioners, try to make your own conditioner and shampoo. Use henna because it is best hair conditioner.
  • Trim your hair after every 2-3 months and make sure your hair should be free from spli ends.

6 most essential hair styling products

Good hair styles make our personality gorgeous and attractive. Due to number of hair styling products we can modify the color and shape of our hair. If we use these styling products correctly according to our hair nature then these may not be harmful for us.
Some hair styling products are listed below:

1. Hair Spray:

The hair spray is also known as varnish, spritz or a sticky watery solution, this is a very the hair sprayessential element in hair styling products. This is a very good product to hold and grip your hair style in a place for long time. It comes through a spray nozzle. There are number of functions of hair spray such as they give a wonderful shine to your hair, lightening the hair, reducing frizz, holding your style in a position etc.
Some sprays contain alcohol which are not good for your hair, may cause different hair damages and dryness. If you are regular user then it is best to use alcohol free.

2. Hair Mousse:

Hair mousse is used to add extra volume, shine and hold. It comes in different form, may be in the hair moussespray or cream form. If you apply it on damp and wet hair then it will give you a very soft, wet and shiny look. If you apply it on dry hair then it will shape and hold your hair in a specific style. Always comb your hair after its application so that it will spread uniformly and equally. Normally this mousse is meant for curly and wavy hairs, and used to tame natural curls.

3. Hair Wax:

the hair waxHair wax is a solid and thick hairstyling product containing wax, it is used to hold the hair. It does not harden and freezes like other products such as hair gel, but it remains flexible. It is very old products and used for many years. It is very good for defining the hair layers.

4. Hair Gel:

the hair gelHair gel is very good product and it is used to keep your style in a fixed, stable and firm place. It works great on curly and wavy hairs. Try to avoid using alcohol based gel as it can be harmful for your hairs. It is use to harden the hair style in a specific hair style and is also good for holding spikes and giving a wet look.

5. Hair Voluminizer:

the hair volumizerIt is used to add volume, body and shine to thin hair. These hair voluminizer are in various forms such as shampoos, conditioners, sprays, pomades and lotions. It is great gift for those who have not thick and dense hair.

6. Pomade:

the hair pomadeIt is also know as pomatum, it is a greasy material and is also used for hair styling.
If you want to have a sleek and shiny hair then use pomade. Like other hair styling products the pomade does not harden or dry the hair. You need a few washes to get rid of this pomade.

12 ways for silky and smooth hair

  1. Brush your hair daily by using a soft bristle brush, hard combs or brushes can pull out your hair and may cause hair loss.
  2. Do not comb your wet hair, and use wide toothed comb for hair combing.
  3. Use mild shampoo and conditioner of same matching.
  4. Always use ionic hair dryer instead of ordinary hair dryers because this special type of dryer will not damage your hair and scalp as compare to other ones.
  5. If you want to straight your hair then use straighteners with titanium irons instead of plastic irons.
  6. Remember to use any serums or heat protective products before using blow dryers or irons.
  7. Trim your hair every 2-4 months, this will promote your hair growth quickly.
  8. Take balance diet with all fruits and vegetables, for good hair you can also take some essential multivitamins. Avoid using too many junks such as alcohol, smoking and other drugs.
  9. Drink at least 8-12 glasses of water daily.
  10. Do not use to much hair products like gels or irons, these products will also damage your hair a lot.
  11. Oiling your hair with some oil, this is very good way to get silky, smooth and shiny hair.
  12. Cover your hair when going out side, sun harmful rays or harsh winter wind will damage your hair greatly. You can also use sun screen to protect your hair from ultra violet rays.