On how to care for your eyes and preserve your vision
One of the greatest enemies of our eyes is the sun. Just like the skin, eyes are damaged by UV rays coming from the sun, whether it is overcast or a clear and sunny day. Sunglasses should always be warn in daylight hours when you are outside and you need to be sure that the sunglasses you choose offer UV ray protection. There are many sunglasses sold which are just tinted glass and do not really protect your eyes, they simply offer shade from the brightness. Check the label on your sunglasses before you buy them and be sure to wear them.
Reading , working on the computer and watching television really can harm your vision. When you are doing any of these things which require staring at one place for a long time, it is important to take frequent brakes and look at things farther away for a bit, and look around from time to time to offer your eyes a break and minimize fatigue. There are special films offered for computer screens to minimize the amount of harm done to your eyes from looking at the monitor for long periods of time.
Frequent check-ups with your optician will help keep your eyes healthy. If your eyes become a little weak, wearing glasses for a period of time can often strengthen your eyes back to the point where you no longer need them. If you continue to let your eyes deteriorate without visiting the eye doctor, the damage may be too great to reverse. Often, your prescription will change in a short period of time and it is important to keep on top of it to avoid further damage to your eyes.
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