*Oiling: It is very essential for hair. Massaging your scalp with your finger tips helps a lot. If you warm the oil a bit and then massage the oil will be absorbed well.
Hair oil: You can get any good hair oil available in market. Many people prefer coconut oil. Try Olive Oil its good too. You can use just olive oil, or mix it with almond oil in 1:1.
*Washing: Ideally hair should be washed 3 times a week, its absolutely safe and good for hair. It can be more or less on your individual preference. Some people say less washing would cause dirt accumulation whereas some say excessive washing leads to hair fall and dryness.
While applying shampoo to your locks, leave them hanging down instead of piling them on top of your head as though you're posing for a shampoo commercial. Piling up your hair only leads to more tangles. Let it hang naturally so the lather works its way from the root to the ends.
While washing your hair, try diluting your shampoo, i mean mix it in water and then use. This would have two benefits. Shampoo would be well distributed, due to distribution shampoo wont clog at one part of scalp. Sometimes too much amount of shampoo dries the hair which wont happen if you dilute the shampoo.
After applying diluted shampoo to your hair, massage your scalp for a minute with your finger tips. Yes u read it correct "MASSAGE", dont worry within a minute shampoo wont penetrate or harm your skin, it would just remove the dirt accumulated in scalp.
Many people wash their hair two times. They wash it and again apply shampoo and wash. because they believe this method would remove all dirt. But this would dry up the hair. If you follow the above method of massaging your scalp just for a minute, you wont need to wash your hair second time.
Wash your hairs with cold water Because cold water helps the hair scales lie down flat, making them stronger. On the other hand warm water opens the hair scales not only causing more frizz but also making the hair shaft weaker and more vulnerable. In addition, the scalp secretes certain oils that are good for the hair. These oils get dissolved in warm water, causing further dryness. Cold water does not dissolve the natural oils. So make the healthy-hair choice and go in for cold water!
* Conditioning:
Daily conditioning: There are two types of conditioners used on daily basis.
rinse off conditioners and leave on conditioners.
Rinse off conditioners: These conditioners are generally used after shampooing, applied on damp hair, kept for a minute or two and then rinsed of with water.
TIP: Try using it on moist hair, i mean whenever you wash your hair. Towel dry your hair softly, dont rub the towel, just pat dry the hair then apply conditioner, wash after a minute. You would notice considerable difference.
Leave on conditioners: (do not confuse with livon)
These conditioners are used on damp/ dry hairs and can be kept in hair, no need of washing the hair. These conditioners can be used even if you are using rinse off conditioners.
deep conditioning
once a while depending on your hair type, deep conditioning is advisable. It would nourish your hair, keep them silky, soft and bouncy. It improves texture, strength and helps to grow your hair.
These are silicon based transparent liquids used on damp/dry hair. They make hair look shiny temporarily. Some of examples of serums are livon, silk n shine, lolane etc. There are lot of brands available in market.
Many scientist claim that too much use of serums can damage the hair, but it hasnt been proved yet, so its your choice how frequently you want to use serums.
Towel drying the hair:
Whenever we need to towel dry our hair what we do? We take a towel and start rubbing it on our scalp. But its NOT the way to do it. Whenever you need to towel dry your hair take the towel and try to be as gentle as you can. Just touch the towel on your hair pat them and try to touch the towel on all your hair but do not rub.
combing the hair:
Before stepping into the shower, comb your hair lightly with a wide-toothed comb to untangle knots. This aligns the strands and prevents your getting out of the shower with a lot of knots. Begin at the ends and slowly work your way up. Never try to rip through tangles from top to bottom. You'll end up with a clump of hair on your comb that could have been avoided if only you'd had some patience!
Wet hair break easily, so its good to comb before washing. After washing, pat dry your hair if you want. Let your hair shed some water. Take a shampoo comb(its that big comb, which has big spaced teeth) and comb your hair only ONCE and very gently. Let your hair dry and then use combs and hair brushes.
Using rubber bands clips etc:
Use hair bands instead of rubber bands.
Use This

Whenever you wear a hair clip, make sure its not pulling your hair.
Avoid wearing messy accessories on daily basis.
Blow drying and ironing:
Avoid blow drying and ironing as much as u can. But if you want to do it, keep blow dryer at a distance of 6 inches from your hair and go for a deep conditioning more often if you do it more frequently.
If you do ironing, never forget to use a cream or serum which gives protection to your hair from ironing. Though it doesnt give complete protection, but atleast it provides some protection.
Permanent treatments:
If you are thinking to go for rebonding, permanent straightening or colour, first of all make sure your hairs are healthy enough to undergo such harsh treatments.
Think atleast twice before doing these things because you might have bad hair after doing so.
Random tips:
Whenever you wear a hair clip, make sure its not pulling your hair.
Avoid wearing messy accessories on daily basis.
Blow drying and ironing:
Avoid blow drying and ironing as much as u can. But if you want to do it, keep blow dryer at a distance of 6 inches from your hair and go for a deep conditioning more often if you do it more frequently.
If you do ironing, never forget to use a cream or serum which gives protection to your hair from ironing. Though it doesnt give complete protection, but atleast it provides some protection.
Permanent treatments:
If you are thinking to go for rebonding, permanent straightening or colour, first of all make sure your hairs are healthy enough to undergo such harsh treatments.
Think atleast twice before doing these things because you might have bad hair after doing so.
Random tips:
- Keep the use of other chemicals minimum like gels, spray etc..
- If you have AC in your room or office cabin, never sit direct in front of AC. The air should not directly fall to your hair
- If you drive a two wheeler, or travel in public transport where air is passed in a speed always tie your hair dont keep them open.
- If its pollution or too much of sunlight, cover your hair with a cap, hat, dupataa or anything fashionable. I still see people who carry an umbrella in summer and most of them are 50+ who look like they are still in thier 30′s.
- Drink lot of water.
- Keep a check on your diet and food intake. Eat healthy and balanced.
- Never use harsh shampoos, i hope nobody uses a soap on their hair (i have seen many people using bathing soap on thier hair).
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